1. Got rear-ended by some army broad on the way to the road race (Jenn got whiplash)
2. Did a tough road race finished 11th, Ian got 7th, Dan got 18th.
3. Ate a great burger
4. Jenn got a cold.
5. Felt great in the crit, then crashed
6. Got to wheel pit for free lap and the holder pushed me over
7. Scraped up hip, elbow, shoulder, and hand
8. Broke and scuffed my shoes!
9. Micah crashed with 5 to go, no free lap.
10.Got home safe.
More on the weekend later. The person holding me in the wheel pit is a good one...
Here are some battle wounds
dude, was that Jenn's first bike race experience too?
bummer, real bummer..
Yeah it was. At least I got it out of the way....the crash anyway
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