Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I know how this guy feels

This was me at work today...
Thanks for the pic Williams


Dan Cleary said...

hey its me. i've seen dan-o 2x now. i'm pissed. go to states and bring some beer

Stevo Kinevo said...

Damn. Powder your face with sunshine, meankid. Like the man said, "Blue never was in style".

Andy said...

Thanks Stevo, I will. when it rains it pours though. Drink one for me at the point out there

Stevo Kinevo said...

Oh, I'll be drinkin all right. Just not at the Point - the yuppies killled it. The weather turned ish this afternoon and I got a flat tire on the way to work, so I'll be cold, wet and walkin home. At least there's beer in the fridge waiting for me.

muyres said...

Lets do a nite ride soon!

Unknown said...

come to lyle's tonight.. where everone knows your name.. 9-11 happy hour.. we're so there. otherwise see you at big Don's?

yea, fuck it.

Andy said...

Yeah, I'm out for lyle' s yo. I will be at don's though! Night rid is a go Matt.

Miss Kate said...

Meandog! I wish I could have been there to rock the sweet sock and feed you copious amounts of Nibs and Diet Coke. Ohh the good ole days.